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Showing posts from January, 2020

[Kali Linux] How to enable two Network Interface simultaneously in Virtu...

How to make two network adaptor interface run at the same time in Kali linux in Virtualbox cd /etc/network vi interfaces #Host only auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp #NAT network auto eth1 iface eth1 inet dhcp reboot

[Tableau Server Linux] How to completely remove Tableau Server in Linux.

To completely remove Tableau Server from a Linux: 1. Deactivate any active product keys unless you plan to reinstall Tableau Server on this computer. The -l option for the obliterate script removes all licensing files from the computer. It first attempts to deactivate any active licenses, but will remove all licensing information whether or not the deactivation was successful. We recommend you run the tsm licenses deactivate command before running the obliterate script so that the script does not remove licenses that are still active. tsm licenses list tsm licenses deactivate -k <product_key> 2. Run the tableau-server-obliterate script: sudo /opt/tableau/tableau_server/packages/scripts.<version>/tableau-server-obliterate -y -y -y -l 3. Youtube demo.

[VirtualBox 6][Centos 8] Troubleshoot - unbale to enable second network adaptor on Centos 8 in VirtualBox

[Problem] After installing Centos 8 on VirtualBox 6.x version, I realised that second network adpator never actually up and running which makes only use first network adaptor. [Issue Check] - When First log in to Centos, it is showing only First network adapter regardless of network type(NAT, Host only or Bridge). - Tried to activate second network using NetworkManager but it doesn't even show the Network interface but ip list is showing second network. nmtui [Solution] The solution to this is simply create scripts for second network interface in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. 1. cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts 2. sudo cp enp0s3 enp0s8 3. sudo vi enp0s8 4. reboot Once it reboots, second network is up and running with ip address assigned as expected. [Troubleshooting Clip]